中学1年生 英語 定期テスト対策問題プリント【be動詞(過去形@)】
1.次の英文を( )内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい。
(1) I am busy. (yesterdayを加えた文に)
(2) Ken is in Miyazaki. (last yearを加えた文に)
(3) We are happy. (five years agoを加えた文に)
(4) He was very hungry. (否定文に)
(5) They were kind to me. (否定文に)
(6) You were at home yesterday. (疑問文にしてYesで答えなさい)
(7) She was a student last year. (疑問文にしてNoで答えなさい)
2.次の英文の( )にwasとwereのうち適する方を書きなさい。
(1) We ( ) in Kobe last Friday.
(2) It ( ) very cold last night.
(3) ( ) Yumi thirteen years old last year?
(4) The cats ( ) under the bed.
(5) He ( ) a good baseball player.
(6) ( ) you very busy yesterday?
(7) I ( ) not a high school student two years ago.
(8) They ( ) not in the park.