中学1年生 英語 定期テスト対策問題プリント【人称代名詞@】
1.次の英文を( )内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい。
(1) Ken is from Kyoto. (下線部を代名詞にかえて)
(2) Mrs. Nakamura is our teacher. (下線部を代名詞にかえて)
2.次の日本文にあう英文になるように( )に適する語を書きなさい。
(1) 彼女は私の妹です。
( )( ) my sister.
(2) 彼は中学生です。
( ) a junior high school student.
3.次の英文の( )内から適するものを選び○でかこみなさい。
(1) (She, Her) name is Aki.
(2) (I, My, Me) play the guitar.
(3) He is (we, our, us) uncle.
(4) (He, His, Him) sister doesn't speak English.
(5) I don't know (she, her).
(6) Yumi likes (I, my, me).
(7) Does (you, your) brother study Chinese?
(8) Let's talk with (they, their, them).
(9) Do you see (he, his, him)?
(10) Our father loves (we, our, us) very much.
(11) I help (you, your).
(12) This is (I, my, me) book.
(13) Mr. Kimura is (they, their, them) teacher.