中学1年生 英語 定期テスト対策問題プリント【一般動詞の過去形A(不規則動詞)】
(1) go ( ) (2) see ( ) (3) get ( )
(4) come ( ) (5) have ( ) (6) say ( )
2.次の英文を( )内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい。
(1) I go to the park. (yesterdayを加えた文に)
(2) Ken goes to the park. (yesterdayを加えた文に)
(3) I have a good time. (last Sundayを加えた文に)
(4) She got up early this morning.(否定文に)
(5) Yumi came home at six. (疑問文にしてNoで答えなさい)
(6) Does Ms. Watanabe see you? (過去の文に)
(7) I don't say goodbye. (過去の文に)
3.次の英文の( )内から適するものを選び○でかこみなさい。
(1) Takuya (see, sees, saw) your dog last Friday.
(2) Shun didn't (go, goes, went) to the park yesterday.
(3) (Does, Did, Do) he come back late three days ago?
(4) Yuka (don't, doesn't, didn't) have a good time last night.