比較「書きかえ」(中学英語 練習問題)

バリわか英文法  中間、期末対策プリント  重要英単語  重要英熟語  暗記用重要文  英会話表現  英文法用語辞典
トコトン P.112〜P.118
2.次の英文を(  )内指示にしたがって書きかえてください。
(1) Ken is tall. (than Takaを加えた文に)

(2) Ken is tall. (as Takaを加えた文に)

(3) Ken is tall. (in his classを加えた文に)

(4) This flower is beautiful. (「あの花と同じくらい」という語句を加えた文に)

(5) This flower is beautiful. (「あの花より」という語句を加えた文に)

(6) This flower is beautiful. (「3本の中で」という語句を加えた文に)

(1) Ken is taller than Taka.
(2) Ken is as tall as Taka.
(3) Ken is the tallest in his class.
(4) This flower is as beautiful as that one.
(5) This flower is more beautiful than that one.
(6) This flower is the most beautiful of the three.
