中学1年生 英語 定期テスト対策問題プリント【助動詞 can@】
1.次の英文を( )内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい。
(1) I run fast. (canを加えた文に)
I can run fast.
(2) He speaks English very well. (canを加えた文に)
He can speak English very well.
(3) I can play the guitar. (否定文に)
I can't play the guitar.またはI cannot play the guitar.
(4) Yumi can use a computer. (疑問文にしてNoで答えなさい)
Can Yumi use a computer? No, she can't.またはNo, she cannot.
2.次の日本文にあう英文になるように、( )内の語(句)を並べかえなさい。
(1) ケンはとても速く泳ぐことができます。(can, Ken, fast, very, swim).
Ken can swim very fast.
(2) 私たちは上手にテニスをすることができません。(play, well, can't, tennis, we).
We can't play tennis well.
(3) あなたはお母さんを手伝うことができますか。(your mother, can, help, you)?
Can you help your mother?
(4) 私の母はとても上手にピアノをひけます。(the piano, well, can, very, my mother, play).
My mother can play the piano very well.
3.次の英文の( )内から適する語を選び、○で囲みなさい。
(1) Your father can (cook, cooking, cooks) very well.
(2) We (doesn't, aren't, cannot) teach English.
(3) Can Ken (reading, read, reads) this book?
(4) Can he eat sushi? Yes, he (is, does, can).
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